Mon 27 Jan
Sun 12 Jan
😍😍😍♥️♥️♥️♥️😍😍😍 YOUR VALENTINE TREAT 😍😍😍♥️♥️♥️♥️😍😍😍 Marie ♥️♥️♥️♥️ 😍😍😍♥️♥️♥️♥️😍😍😍 - 22
Sat 11 Jan
( . Y . ) Classy, sexy, and VERY open-minded ( . Y . ) - 24
(Lansing, Lansing and the surrounding areas)
Voluptuous Vixen For the Discerning Buisnessman - 30
(Battle Creek, Central Michigan, East Side of Lansing, Jackson, Kalamazoo, Lansing)
Fri 10 Jan
Thu 09 Jan
Kristi - blonde bikini model available for this weekend only - 25
(Ann Arbor, Battle Creek, Central Michigan, Detroit, Flint, Grand Rapids, Holland, Jackson, Kalamazoo, Lansing, Monroe, Muskegon, Northern Michigan, Port Huron, Saginaw, Southwest Michigan, Upper Penin)
Lia. And. Lisa - 22
(Ann Arbor, Battle Creek, BC,three,rivers, portage, coldwater,Lans, Grand Rapids, Holland, Jackson, Kalamazoo, Lansing, Muskegon, Northern Michigan, Upper Peninsula)
Gina - 24
(Battle Creek, Grand Rapids, Jackson, Kala,cold-water, three Rivers,Martin,por, Kalamazoo, Lansing)
Wed 08 Jan
New in Town Best Duo Around N.A.U.G.H.T.Y. Rachael & Ms Cassie 517 703 7139 150% Real Girls - 21
(Lansing, Lansing (Surrounding Areas))
💋AbsoLutE GenTLEMen ChoiCE 👠 ⚘👭dUo AvAilAblE👑💞 - 25
(Haslett,GL,Eaton Rapids,Okemos,E.Lansin,, Lansing)
Tue 07 Jan
Hispanic Hottie~~New~~ Incalls or Outcalls available ~ Duo Specials Today - 23
(Lansing, south lansing)
😍😍😍♥️♥️♥️♥️😍😍😍 YOUR VALENTINE TREAT 😍😍😍♥️♥️♥️♥️😍😍😍 Marie ♥️♥️♥️♥️ 😍😍😍♥️♥️♥️♥️😍😍😍 - 22
Mon 06 Jan
Sun 05 Jan
Thursday til 5pm: Specials!! Just Me, or Totally Bi Duos with Harmony. InCall available Right Now!!! - 29
(East Lansing Incall, outcalls to you, Lansing)
Best Duo Around Town Hands Down Ms Cassie & Summer Sexi, Ready For You! 517 703 7139 150% Real Girls - 21
(Lansing, Lansing (Surrounding Areas))
⭐🌟🌟Starr The Tattooed Beauty💋$60 Early BIrd Special - 23
(Detroit, 275 plymouth/livonia/ westland incall)
Lia. And. Lisa - 22
(Ann Arbor, Battle Creek, Detroit, Grand Rapids, Holland, Jackson, Kalamazoo, Lansing, Monroe, Muskegon, Port Huron, Portage, three rivers,martin,coldwater.M, Warren / Sterling Heights)
Ashely - 24
(Ann Arbor, Grand Rapids, Jackson, Kalamazoo, Lansing, Portage, three rivers,martin,coldwater)
Sat 04 Jan
***NewStar*** (Best Duo in Lansing) Sexi SeRiNiTy and ALasKan Beauty Tabitha 517 894 8097 - 19
Busty BBW Measuring at 42K! Bury Your Face in These Curves Today! - 30
(East Side of Lansing, Lansing)
Fri 03 Jan
☞ WeekEnd Winter Specials ** Discounts ALL Weekend with The Dynamic Duo!! Hot & Ready - 25
(Lansing, Where It's Hot & Warm)
Duo Specials this week!! Cross this experience off your Bucket List with Kitra and Harmony - 30
(Ann Arbor, Central Michigan, East Lansing In or Out to Surrounding, Jackson, Lansing)
Amora - 24
(Ann Arbor, Battle Creek, Detroit, Holland, Jackson, Kalamazoo, Lansing, Monroe, Muskegon, bc,three rivers,portage,Martin,Marshall)
Thu 02 Jan
( . Y . ) Classy, sexy, and VERY open-minded ( . Y . ) - 24
(Lansing, Lansing and the surrounding areas)